DIY's Kayla Pierson DIY's Kayla Pierson

DIY Mason Jar Herb Garden

Welcome back everyone!
Today we’ve got a fresh new DIY for you guys, this is by far one of my most FAVORITE I’ve ever made for you guys. I decided to freshen up my kitchen a bit and create this mason jar herb garden! I cook a lot, so having quick access to fresh herbs is such a great privilege! Let’s get started.

The supplies you’ll need for this DIY are as follows:
3 Wide Mouth Quart Mason Jars (I purchased a case, so I can save the rest for another DIY.)
3 Three Inch Pipe Clamps
1/8 Inch Screws
3 Plants of your choice
Wooden Board or Lumber to Secure Jars

First, You’ll need to lay out your jars on the piece of wood you chose and mark where you want them to sit at. You can always free hand this, however spacing might be as precise.

Now you’ll need to secure the pipe clamps to your lumber. Make sure you loosen the clamps so the mason jars can fit in it before screwing it down.

After you’ve screwed in all 3 pipe clamps, go ahead and insert your mason jars and align it up how you like. From there you can take a flat head screw driver, or you can be like me and just use a butter knife to tighten the clamps. Make sure it’s as tight as you can get it, to ensure the jars don’t slip out.


Once you’ve tightened all of your clamps and jars down, all that’s left is to add in your plants! I chose Cilantro, Basil & Rosemary. After that, you can prop it up on your countertop near sunlight, or you can do what I did and screw it into my wall, above my sink!


This DIY was super simple and only took me about 30 minutes.
If you create this DIY or any other DIY on our website, make sure you tag #kaylapiersonteam so we can share the love!
Until next time!
KP Team

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